Privacy Policy


WoW SPACE Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "our company") will promote the protection of personal information by establishing the following personal information protection policy, building a personal information protection system, and defining information sharing policy through other WOW SPACE apps. WoW SPACE also ensures that our staff recognizes the importance of personal information protection and take appropriate measures immediately if a breach of personal information is detected.


Purpose of use of personal information

WOWAcademy app is a free Japanase Language education system targeting a user base with multiple objectives such as aquiring general language knowledge, education in Japan, and employment in Japan. We collect personal information in this app to realize:
1. Personal identity detection and notifications (login credentials, sending emails on system notifications, etc.)
2. Implement learning analytics and provide educational guidance
3. Provide opportunities to explore education and employment positions in Japan by sharing user information with Japanese Companies and Educational Institutes conneted throuh STEAM+ developed by the same company.

Management of personal information

In order to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information, we take necessary measures such as maintenance of security systems, development of management systems, and thorough employee training, and implement safety measures and strict management of personal information.

Collection of personal information

Personal information including email, country, age range, and nickname will be collected as mandatory information. Personal records, academic records, career records, aspirations, etc which can be entered after the user agrees with the personal information policy will be collected as optional information.

Sharing of personal information

1. Information that the customers enter after agreeing with the Privacy Policy will be shared with the potential employer companies connected to STEAM+ app developed by our company.

2. Personal information of the customers will be shown to potential employers via the STEAM+ app, developed by WOW SAPACE, via a detailed search page. This information is shared with the objective of finding a matching employer for the customers since reducing the risk of mismatch of hiring is a major objective of WOWAcademy and STEAM+.

3. A potential employer company may contact the customer via WoWAcademy if the customer agrees to respond.

4. Customers may contact the employer companies if a company registers a customer in a contact list after going through the detailed profile



Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties


The Company shall properly manage personal information received from customers and shall not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases


     When the customer has given consent

     When we disclose the information to a contractor to whom we outsource our business in order to provide a service that the customer desires.

     When it is necessary to disclose the information in accordance with laws and regulations.



Security measures for personal information


We take all possible security measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information.


Inquiry of the person in question


If a customer wishes to inquire about, correct, or delete his or her own personal information, we will respond to the request after confirming the identity of the customer.


Compliance and Review of Laws and Regulations

The Company will comply with Japanese laws and regulations and other norms applicable to personal information held by the Company, and will review and improve the contents of this policy as appropriate.




Please contact the following for any inquiries regarding our handling of personal information.

WoW SPACE Corporation


4489-105 Endo, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture